Mike Roache
Protected Landscapes Director
Mike Roache Protected Landscapes Director at The Nature Conservancy, Australia © Mike Roache / TNC
Areas of Expertise
Threatened species conservation and program management, wetland ecology, non-profit management.
Mike Roache is a seasoned conservation program manager with experience spanning academia, environmental non-profits, and state and federal government agencies.
Some of his proudest achievements include helping to end the shooting of threatened flying-foxes in New South Wales, securing $5 million for flying-fox habitat restoration, helping to establish the largest coalition of Australian environmental non-profit organisations in Places You Love, designing and delivering the $193 million NSW Koala Strategy, and establishing the first national koala recovery team.
Mike oversees a team of staff helping to deliver TNC’s commitment to protecting 30% of Australia by 2030, as well as a suite of innovative projects demonstrating the importance of First Nations land management and innovative finance mechanisms for delivering environmental water.
Mike has a Bachelor of Environmental Biology (Hons) from Monash University in Victoria and a Graduate Certificate in Management of Non-Profit Organisations from Australian Catholic University. Mike joined The Nature Conservancy, Australia in September 2023 and works from Wonnarua Country near Maitland NSW.